Home / Data Access / Sentinel Products / Sentinel-5P Data Products Menu Display Home Missions Sentinel-1 Overview Heritage Thematic Areas Mission Summary Mission Objectives Satellite Description Orbit Geographical Coverage Ground Segment Core Ground Segment PDGS CPOD Service CPOD QWG FOS Production Scenario Data Distribution Schedule Operations Ramp-Up Phase Data Provision Plan Instrument Payload Resolution and Swath Data Products Towards an Extended Timing Annotation Dataset product Sentinel-1 Global Backscatter Model Sentinel-1 ARD Normalised Radar Backscatter (NRB) Product Sentinel-2 Overview Heritage Thematic Areas and Services Land Monitoring Emergency Management Security Climate Change Marine Mission Objectives Satellite Description Instrument Payload Resolution and Swath Orbit Ground Segment Core Ground Segment Systematic Processing and Reprocessing Services – Copernicus Ground Segment CPOD Service CPOD QWG FOS Observation Scenario Mission Status Archive Data Products Sentinel-3 Overview Heritage Thematic Areas and Services Mission Summary Mission Objectives Satellite Description Orbit Geographical Coverage Ground Segment Core Ground Segment PDGS CPOD Service CPOD QWG ILRS Community IDS/DORIS Community FOS Observation Scenario Operations ramp-up phase Data Products User Products Dissemination Concept OLCI SLSTR Synergy Altimetry Instrument Payload OLCI SLSTR Altimetry Sentinel-4 Overview Heritage Missions Thematic Areas and Services Mission Objectives Satellite Description Orbit Geographical Coverage Ground Segment MTG Ground Segment Instrumental Payload Data Products Sentinel-5 Overview Heritage Thematic Areas and Services Mission Objectives Satellite Description Orbit Geographical Coverage Ground Segment EPS-SG Ground Segment Instrument Payload Data Products Sentinel-5P Satellite Description Orbit Geographical Coverage Ground Segment Core Ground Segment Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS) Flight Operations Segment (FOS) Instrumental Payload Data Products Mission Status Commissioning/Ramp-up Phase Commissioning/Ramp-up Phase Milestones Sentinel-6 Overview Mission Objectives Satellite Description Instrument Payload Data Products Copernicus Expansion Missions Collaborative Ground Segment Collaboration Categories Sentinel Mission Data Acquisition and (NRT) production Sentinel Collaborative Data Products Sentinel Data Product Dissemination and Access Innovative Tools and Applications Sentinel complementary Calibration/Validation activities Agreement Process Existing/Planned collaborative GS Collaborative Ground Segment Workshop CollGS - National Points of Contact International cooperation Agreement process Cooperation partners News Content User Guides Sentinel-1 SAR Overview Geophysical Measurements Polarimetry Interferometry Applications Maritime Monitoring Land Monitoring Emergency Management Mapping of Applications to Sentinel-1 Modes Acquisition Modes Stripmap Interferometric Wide Swath Extra Wide Swath Wave Product Types and Processing Levels Level-0 Level-1 Level-2 Resolutions Level-1 Single Look Complex Level-1 Ground Range Detected Level-2 Ocean Revisit and Coverage Naming Conventions Data Formats SAFE Specification SAR Formats Product Slices Products and Algorithms Cal/Val Definitions S1-SAR Document Library Sentinel-2 MSI Overview Applications Land Monitoring Emergency Management Security Product Types Level-0 Level-1A Level-1B Level-1C Level-2A Processing Levels Level-0 Level-1 Level-2 Resolutions Spatial Spectral Radiometric Revisit and Coverage Naming Convention Data Formats XML Schema Definitions (XSD) Anomaly Database Definitions S2-MSI Document Library Sentinel-3 OLCI Overview Heritage Geophysical Measurements Applications Maritime Monitoring Land Monitoring Atmospheric Monitoring Climate Change Monitoring Product Types Level-1b Level-2 Land Level-2 Water Processing Levels Level-0 Level-1 Level-2 Resolutions Spatial Radiometric Coverage Naming Convention Data Formats Level 0 Level-1 Level-2 Definitions Units Product Grid Notations S3-OLCI Document Library Sentinel-3 SLSTR Overview Heritage Geophysical Measurements Sea Surface Temperature Land Surface Temperature Fire Radiative Power Applications Maritime Monitoring Sea Surface Temperature Ice Surface Temperature Land Monitoring Land Surface Temperature Fire location and radiative power The Vegetation Index Atmospheric Monitoring Climate Change Monitoring Product Types Level-1b Level-2 WCT Level-2 WST Level-2 LST Level-2 FRP Level-2 AOD Processing Levels Level-0 Level-1 Level-2 Resolutions Spatial 1km 500m Radiometric Coverage Naming Convention Data Formats Level-1 Level-2 Definitions Units Product Grid Notations S3-SLSTR Document Library Sentinel-3 Synergy Overview Heritage Applications Land Monitoring and Security Climate Change Monitoring Product Types Level-1 SYN Level-2 SYN Level-2 VGP Level-2 VGK Level-2 VG1 and V10 Level-2 AOD Processing Levels Level-1 Level-2 SYN SDR Level-2 SYN VGT-P and VGT-S Level-2 AOD Resolutions Spatial Radiometric Coverage Naming Conventions Data Formats Level-1 Level-2 Definitions Units Product Grid Notations S3-SYN Document Library Sentinel-3 Altimetry Overview Altimetry principles Operating modes OLTC Geophysical Measurements Sea Surface Height Significant Wave Height Wind Speed Heritage and Future Applications Oceanography Coastal Zones Ice and Sea-Ice Inland Waters and Land Climate Geodesy and Geophysics Product Types Level-2 SRAL/MWR NRT or NTC? Processing Levels Level-0 Level-1 Level-2 Resolutions Sampling Resolution Cells Coverage Orbit Characteristics Revisit Time Naming Conventions Data Formats SAFE Logical Model SAFE Components NetCDF Format Definitions Units Conventions Notations S3-ALT Document Library Sentinel-5P TROPOMI Applications Software Tools S5-P Document Library Document Library Latest Documents Technical Guides Sentinel-1 SAR Products and Algorithms Product Slice Handling Level-0 Products Level-0 Raw Products Packet Encoding Level-0 Product Formatting Level-1 Algorithms and Products Algorithm Overview TOPSAR Processing Level-1 Pre-Processing Algorithms Doppler Centroid Algorithms Level-1 SLC Processing Algorithms Level-1 Post-Processing Algorithms Radiometric Calibration of Level-1 Products Level-1 Products Ground Range Detected SM GRD Resolutions IW GRD Resolutions EW GRD Resolutions Single Look Complex Stripmap SLC Interferometric Wide swath SLC Extra Wide swath SLC Wave SLC Level-1 Product Formatting Level-2 Algorithms and Products Algorithm Overview Ocean Swell Spectra Processing Ocean Wind Field Processing Radial Surface Velocity Processing Level-2 Products Ocean Wind Field Component Ocean Swell Spectra Component Surface Radial Velocity Component Level-2 Product Formatting SAR Instrument Instrument Description Acquisition Modes Performance Calibration and Validation Activities Calibration Internal Calibration External Calibration Validation POD Instruments and Products POD Products and Requirements Satellite Parameters for POD POD System Baselines and Reprocessing Campaigns EGP Information S1 POD Document Library Communication Quality Control Metrics Orbit Comparisons FAQ Appendices Glossary References Sentinel-2 MSI MSI Instrument Products and Algorithms Level-0 Algorithms and Products Level-1A Algorithms and Products Level-1B Algorithms and Products Level-1B Algorithm Overview Level-1B Product Formatting Level-1C Algorithms and Products Level-1C Algorithm Overview Level-1C Product Formatting Auxiliary Data Files Level-1C Masks Cloud Masks Level-2A Algorithms and Products Level-2A Algorithm Overview Level-2A Product Formatting Processing Baseline Anomalies and Product Features Calibration and Validation Calibration Validation Mission Performance Global Reference Image Data Product Quality Reports POD Instruments and Products POD Products and Requirements Satellite Parameters for POD POD System Baselines and Reprocessing Campaigns EGP Information S2 POD Document Library Communication Quality Control Metrics Orbit Comparisons FAQ Appendices Glossary References Copernicus Sentinel-2 Collection-1 Availability Status Sentinel-3 OLCI OLCI Instrument Description Calibration Specifications Spectral Characterisation Data Spectral Response Function Data Quality Reporting Products and Algorithms Level-0 Algorithms and Products Processing Products Description Earth Observation Mode Calibration Mode Level-1 Algorithms and Products Calibration Mode Earth Observation Mode Data Extraction and Quality Checks Radiometric Scaling Stray Light Correction Georeferencing Pixel Classification Functions Spatial Re-Sampling Products Description FR or RR TOA Radiances Calibration Mode Description Radiometric Calibration Mode Spectral Calibration Mode ADFs Processing Control Parameters Earth Observation Level-2 Algorithms and Products Processing Pre-Processing Radiance to Reflectance Conversion Pixel Classification Gas Correction Smile Correction Water Vapour Retrieval Ocean Processing Baseline Atmospheric Correction Alternative Atmospheric Correction OC4Me Chlorophyll IMT Neural Net Transparency Products PAR Products Land Processing OLCI Global Vegetation index OLCI Terrestrial Chlorophyll index Products Description Ocean Products Water-Leaving Reflectance CDM Absorption Coefficient Algal Pigment Concentration Total Suspended Matter concentration Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient Photosynthetically Active Radiation Aerosol Optical Thickness Aerosol Angström Exponent Integrated Water Vapour Column Over Water Quality and Science Flags Land Products OLCI Global Vegetation index (faPAR) Rectified Reflectance OLCI Terrestrial Chlorophyll index Quality and Science Flags Integrated Water Vapour Column Over Water ADFs Processing Control Parameters Common Processing Parameters Ocean Processing Parameters Land Processing Parameters Processing Baseline Anomalies and Events Calibration and Validation Activities Calibration Validation Mission Performance Data Product Quality Reports Appendices Glossary References Credits FAQ Sentinel-3 SLSTR SLSTR Instrument Description Calibration Specifications Spectral Response Function Data Quality Reporting Products and Algorithms Level-0 Algorithms and Products Level-1 Algorithms and Products Processing Overview Calibration Mode Observation Mode Level-1A Processing Source Packet Processing Calibration Coefficients Computation for IR Channels Calibration Coefficients Computation for Visible Channels Time Calibration Geolocation Level-1B Processing Signal Calibration Time Domain Averaging Re-gridding Cosmetic Fill Surface Flagging Cloud Identification Conversion of Reflectance to Radiances Meteorological Annotations Products Description Calibration Mode Observation Mode TIR Brightness Temperature VIS and SWIR Radiances ADFs Processing Control Parameters Observation Mode Parameters Level-2 Algorithms and Products Processing Overview Inputs Check Module Derivation Pixel-by-Pixel Module SST Processing Calculate Exception Flags Calculate SST Values and Variances Compute Pseudo-Random Error L2P Processing Populate Geographical and Time Variables Build L2P Flags Variable Calculate SST Box Averages Build SST and All Other Variables LST Processing Look-up Surface Biome Calculate Total Column Water Vapour Calculate Vegetation Fraction Calculate LST Coefficients and Uncertainty FRP Processing AOD Processing Products Description Sea Surface Temperature (N2, N3R, N3, D2, D3) Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) Land Surface Temperature (LST) Fire Radiative Power (FRP) Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) ADFs Processing Control Parameters Common Processing Parameters SST Retrieval Parameters L2P Processing Parameters LST Processing Parameters FRP Processing Parameters Processing Baseline Anomalies and Events Calibration and Validation Activities Calibration Validation Mission Performance Data Product Quality Reports Appendices Glossary References Credits FAQ Sentinel-3 Synergy Products and Algorithms Level-1 Algorithms and Products Processing Overview Pre-Processing OLCI Retrieval SLSTR Retrieval Main Processing Extraction of OLCI/SLSTR Imagette Pairs Shift Estimation at Ground Control Points Deformation Model Estimation Collocation Between OLCI Reference Band and Other Channels Product Description Mis-registration ADFs Processing control Parameters SYN Level-1 Processing Level-2 Algorithms and Products Processing Overview Aerosol and Surface Reflectance Retrieval Averaging Aerosol Retrieval Computation of Aerosol Parameters VGT Continuity Band Mapping Pixel Flagging Projection to Generate P-Products Atmospheric Correction Products Description SYN Level-2 Product Surface Directional Reflectance Aerosol Optical Thickness Aerosol Angström Exponent VGT-P Product B0, B2, B3 and MIR TOA Reflectance VGK Product B0, B2, B3 and MIR Surface Reflectance NDVI ADFs Processing Control Parameters SYN Level-2 Processing VGT-P Processing VGT-S Algorithms and Products Algorithm Overview Compositing to Generate S1 and S10 Products Products VG1-Product - Surface Reflectance V10 Product NDVI Processing Level-2 AOD Algorithms and Products Algorithm overview Super-pixel processing module Aerosol retrieval module Post-processing module Level 2 AOD Products Description Surface Directional reflectance Aerosol Optical thickness Single Scattering Albedo Fine-mode aerosol optical depth Aerosol Angstrom parameter Synergy Level 2 AOD Auxiliary Data Files Anomalies and Events Processing Baseline Validation Activities Mission Performance Appendices Glossary References FAQs Sentinel-3 Altimetry Surface Topography Instruments SRAL MWR DORIS GNSS LRR Products and Algorithms Level-0 Product Description CAL Products Science Products Datation and Geolocation Level-1 Algorithms and Products Overview Level-1 Algorithms Level-1 LRM processing chain Level-1 PLRM processing chain algorithms Level-1 SAR_Ku processing chain Level-1 Products ECHO_LRM Level-1 ECHO_LRM Product: Time parameters Level-1 ECHO_LRM Product: Location parameters Level-1 ECHO_LRM Product: Instrument status parameters Level-1 ECHO_LRM Product: Surface Type Level-1 ECHO_LRM Product: Tracker range Level-1 ECHO_LRM Product: Sigma0 scaling factor Level-1 ECHO_LRM Product: Waveforms ECHO_PLRM Level-1 ECHO_PLRM Time parameters Level-1 ECHO_PLRM Location parameters Level-1 ECHO_PLRM Instrument status Level-1 ECHO_PLRM Surface Type Level-1 ECHO_PLRM Tracker range Level-1 ECHO_PLRM Sigma0 Scaling Factor Level-1 ECHO_PLRM Waveforms Level 1A ECHO_SAR_Ku Level-1A ECHO_SAR_Ku Time parameters Level-1A ECHO_SAR_Ku Location parameters Level-1A ECHO_SAR_Ku Orientation parameters Level-1A ECHO_SAR_Ku Instrument status Level-1A ECHO_SAR_Ku Surface Type Level-1A ECHO_SAR_Ku Tracker range Level-1A ECHO_SAR_Ku Sigma0 Scaling Factor Level-1A ECHO_SAR_Ku Waveforms Level-1B-S ECHO_SAR_Ku Level-1B-S ECHO_SAR_Ku Time parameters Level-1B-S ECHO_SAR_Ku Location parameters Level-1B-S ECHO_SAR_Ku Orientation parameters Level-1B-S ECHO_SAR_Ku Surface Type Level-1B-S ECHO_SAR_Ku Tracker range Level-1B-S ECHO_SAR_Ku Sigma0 Scaling Factor Level-1B-S ECHO_SAR_Ku Waveforms Level-1B ECHO_SAR_Ku Level-1B ECHO_SAR_Ku Time parameters Level-1B ECHO_SAR_Ku Location parameters Level-1B ECHO_SAR_Ku Instrument status Level-1B ECHO_SAR_Ku Surface Type Level-1B ECHO_SAR_Ku Tracker range Level-1B ECHO_SAR_Ku Sigma0 Scaling Factor Level-1B ECHO_SAR_Ku Waveforms Level-1 Calibration Products Level-1 ADFs Product formatting Level-2 Algorithms and Products Time Tags, Locations and Surface Types Tracker Estimates Re-Tracking Estimates Ocean re-tracking OCOG re-tracking Ice sheet re-tracking Ice re-tracking Sea ice re-tracking Instrumental Corrections Sea Surface Height Anomaly Equation Geophysical Corrections Environmental Parameters Off-nadir Angles Brightness Temperatures Waveforms Samples Quality Information Auxiliary Data Files Land Marine Mask Baseline Collection 005 processing status Processing Baseline Anomalies and Events Calibration and Validation Calibration Validation Mission Performance Data Product Quality Reports POD Instruments and Products POD Products and Requirements Satellite Parameters for POD POD System Baselines and Reprocessing Campaigns EGP Information SLR Tracking S3 POD Document Library Communication Quality Control Metrics Orbit Comparisons FAQ Appendices Glossary References Credits FAQ Sentinel-5P TROPOMI Products and Algorithms TROPOMI Response Functions Calibration and Validation Activities Appendices Acronyms and Abbreviations Glossary References Thematic Areas Land Monitoring Land Cover, Use and Change Detection Mapping Bio-geophysical Variable Mapping Risk Mapping Precision Farming Forest Monitoring Desertification Snow and Ice Marine Monitoring Marine Safety Marine Resources Marine and Coastal Environment Climate and Seasonal Forecasting Sea Ice Atmospheric Monitoring Greenhouse Gases Reactive Gases Ozone and Solar UV Radiation Aerosols Emergency Management Floods Forest Fires Landslides Earthquakes & Volcanic Eruptions Humanitarian Crises Oil Spills Security Border Surveillance Maritime Surveillance Support to European External Action Climate Change Land Monitoring Marine Environmental Monitoring Atmospheric Monitoring Data Access Access to Sentinel Data via the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem User Support and Registration Sentinel Products Sentinel-1 Data Products Sentinel-2 data products Collection 0 Level-1C Collection 0 Level-2A Collection 1 Level-1C Collection 1 Level-2A Collection 1 Level-2H/2F Sentinel-3 Data Products Sentinel-5P Data Products Toolboxes Sentinel-1 Toolbox Tutorials Sentinel-2 Toolbox Sentinel-3 Toolbox Atmospheric Toolbox Sentinel Altimetry Toolbox Other Tools Copernicus Sentinel-1 Acquisition Plans Acquisition Plans Archive Observation Scenario Observation Scenario Archive Sentinel-2 Acquisition Plans Acquisition Plans Archive Quality Report Sentinel-3 Quality Report Sentinel-5P Quality Report Collaborative Ground Segment Copernicus Operations Mission Planning Data Acquisition Production Services Data Access Data Preservation and Long Term Archive Coordination Desk Service Mission Performance Cluster Precise Orbit Determination Auxiliary Data Gathering Reference System Sentinel Web Information Service Flight Operations Segment CHIME CIMR CO2M CRISTAL LSTM ROSE-L News Meet the team Ines Sanz Morere Franck Desbouillon Jordi Farres Ferran Gascon Claus Zehner Anja Stromme Razvan Cosac Steffen Dransfeld Andrea Perrera Videos Maintenance News Content Calendar DUNIA Project International Cooperation Survey Copernicus Sentinel-5P data products Copernicus Sentinel-5P data products Learn more about the available Copernicus Sentinel-5P data products, and how to obtain them. Products are freely available via the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem. Asset Publisher Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 NPP Cloud Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 NPP Cloud Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 NPP Cloud (L2__NP_BDx, x=3, 6, 7) The TROPOMI instrument onboard Sentinel-5... Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Ozone Profile Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Ozone Profile Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Ozone Profile (L2__O3__PR)  The TROPOMI instrument onboard Sentinel-5... Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Tropospheric Ozone Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Tropospheric Ozone TROPOMI Level 2 Tropospheric Ozone (L2__O3_TCL)  The TROPOMI instrument onboard the Copernicus... Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Formaldehyde Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Formaldehyde Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Formaldehyde (L2__HCHO__)  The TROPOMI instrument onboard Sentinel-5... Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Cloud Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Cloud Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Cloud (L2__CLOUD_)  The TROPOMI instrument onboard Sentinel-5 Precursor is a... Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 1B Radiances Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 1B Radiances Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 1B Radiances (L1B_RA_BDx, x=1 to 8)  The TROPOMI instrument onboard... Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 1B Irradiances Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 1B Irradiances Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 1B Irradiances (L1B_IR_UVN, L1B_IR_SIR)  The TROPOMI instrument onboard... Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Aerosol Layer Height Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Aerosol Layer Height Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Aerosol Layer Height (L2__AER_LH)  The TROPOMI instrument... Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Nitrogen Dioxide Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Nitrogen Dioxide Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Nitrogen Dioxide (L2__NO2___)  The TROPOMI instrument onboard... Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Carbon Monoxide Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Carbon Monoxide Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Carbon Monoxide (L2__CO____) The TROPOMI instrument onboard Sentinel-5... Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Ultraviolet Aerosol Index Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Ultraviolet Aerosol Index Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Ultraviolet Aerosol Index (L2__AER_AI)  The TROPOMI... Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Ozone Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Ozone TROPOMI Level 2 Ozone (L2__O3____)  The TROPOMI instrument onboard Sentinel-5 Precursor is a nadir-viewing,... Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Sulphur Dioxide Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Sulphur Dioxide Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Sulphur Dioxide (L2__SO2____)  The TROPOMI instrument onboard... Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Methane Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Methane Sentinel-5 Precursor Level 2 Methane (L2__CH4___)  The TROPOMI instrument onboard the Copernicus...
Copernicus Sentinel-5P data products Learn more about the available Copernicus Sentinel-5P data products, and how to obtain them. Products are freely available via the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem.