
Sentinel-2 MSI User Guide - Level-0 Processing

Level-0 data processing operations are performed in real-time by the Production Service during the data-reception operations. The processing operations for Level-0 data are required to package the MSI and satellite ancillary raw-data that has been acquired by the Ground Segment and to archive it together with the relevant annotation parameters and other metadata. This facilitates onward processing to higher product levels. The following tasks are all included in the Level-0 processing phase:

  • MSI telemetry analysis: concatenates acquired Instrument Source Packet (ISP) data into granules and performs data analysis and error detection functions
  • Datation: the datation of the individual lines in an image enables the exact capture time of each ISP within a granule to be recorded
  • Low-resolution image extraction: this processing step extracts the low-resolution images for quicklook generation
  • Satellite ancillary telemetry analysis: compares extracted satellite ancillary data from bit values and checks it relative to pre-defined admissible ranges
  • Consolidation is applied to Level-0 data to collate and append all metadata necessary for long-term archiving and onward processing to Level-1.

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