Level-1B-S ECHO_SAR_Ku Orientation parameters
PARAMETER | Roll Pitch Yaw |
NETCDF NAME | roll_sat_pointing_l1bs_echo_sar_ku pitch_sat_pointing_l1bs_echo_sar_ku yaw_sat_pointing_l1bs_echo_sar_ku |
DESCRIPTION | The orientation of the satellite in degrees of roll, pitch and yaw. |
UNITS | 1e-4 Degrees |
PARAMETERS RELATED | roll_sral_mispointing_l1bs_echo_sar_ku pitch_sral_mispointing_l1bs_echo_sar_ku yaw_sral_mispointing_l1bs_echo_sar_ku |
PARAMETER DETAILED DESCRIPTION | Sentinel-3 Core PDGS Instrument Processing Facility (IPF) Implementation. Product Data Format Specification. SRAL/MWR Level 1 & 2 Instrument Products |