Mission Status

Sentinel-1 Mission Status

Please find below the latest Mission Status Reports from the Sentinel-1 Team. These reports provide information on the status of the satellite and the instrument, the associated ground segment, and any mission milestones.

See the archive for a full list of reports dating back to the launch of Copernicus Sentinel-1 (3 April 2014).

Latest Mission Status Reports

An error occurred while processing the template.
For "...(...)" callee: Expected a method or function, but this has evaluated to a string (wrapper: f.t.SimpleScalar):
==> link.getData()  [in template "10112#529384#SENTINEL_SIMPLE_LINK_TEMPLATE" at line 19, column 15]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #if !link.getData()("/web")  [in template "10112#529384#SENTINEL_SIMPLE_LINK_TEMPLATE" at line 19, column 9]
1<#assign title = .vars['reserved-article-title'].getData()> 
2<div class="asset-abstract clearfix"> 
3 <#if preview_image.getData() !="">  
4        <#if link.getData() != "">  
5            <a  
6                <#if !link.getData()?starts_with("/web")>  
7                    target="_blank"  
8                </#if>  
9                href="${link.getData()}" class="asset-abstract-imgLink">  
10        </#if> 
11            <img src="${preview_image.getData()}" alt="Web Content Image" /> 
12        <#if link.getData() != "">  
13            </a>  
14        </#if> 
15 </#if> 
16 <div class="article-title"> 
17  <#if link.getData() != "">  
18    <a  
19        <#if !link.getData()("/web")>  
20            target="_blank"  
21        </#if>  
22            href="${link.getData()}">  
23    </#if> 
24    ${title} 
25  <#if link.getData() != "">   
26    </a>  
27  </#if> 
28 </div> 
29     <p> ${abstract.getData()}</p> 
33 <#if link.getData() != ""> 
34  <div class="asset-more article-more"> 
35    <a <#if !link.getData().starts_with("/web")>  
36        target="_blank"  
37    </#if>  
38        href="${link.getData()}">Read more</a> 
39  </div> 

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