Regarding access to Copernicus Sentinel-1 orbit files and processor auxiliary files, users are kindly invited to note that:
- Sentinel-1 processor auxiliary files (AUX_PP1, AUX_PP2, AUX_CAL, AUX_INS, AUX_SCS) are available at
- Sentinel-1 orbit auxiliary files are available on until 15 March 2021
- The reference for accessing the Sentinel-1 orbit files is on the Copernicus Sentinels POD Data Hub
Regarding access to Copernicus Sentinel-1 orbit files and processor auxiliary files, users are kindly invited to note that:
- Sentinel-1 processor auxiliary files (AUX_PP1, AUX_PP2, AUX_CAL, AUX_INS, AUX_SCS) are available at
- Sentinel-1 orbit auxiliary files are available on until 15 March 2021
- The reference for accessing the Sentinel-1 orbit files is on the Copernicus Sentinels POD Data Hub
Regarding retrieval of orbit auxiliary files from Copernicus Sentinels POD Data Hub, please note that:
- The OData and OpenSearch API exposed by the POD Hub are the same as the Open Access Hub and work in the same way
- You must change the Service Root URI using the POD Hub one
See the following user guides for more information: