SENTINEL-3 Data Products SLSTR

There are different data products associated with the three levels of processing of SLSTR:

  • Level-0 is the reconstructed and time-sorted Instrument Source Packet (ISP), at full space-time resolution. All communications artefacts (e.g. synchronisation frames, communications headers and duplicate data) and invalid packets are removed.
  • Level-1 includes Top-Of-Atmosphere (TOA) radiometric measurements, radiometrically corrected, calibrated and spectrally characterised. It is quality controlled, ortho-geolocated (latitude and longitude coordinates, altitude) and annotated with satellite position and pointing, landmarks and preliminary pixel classification (e.g. land/water/cloud masks).
  • Level-2 products consist of geophysical quantities derived from the processing of the measurements data provided in the Level-1 product. Level-2 products specifically for marine and land application domains are generated separately by the SENTINEL-3 PDGS, with each containing the parameter relevant for the specific field of application.

SLSTR Level-1 and 2 data products are available to the general public.

The SLSTR files are collected into a SAFE container. Level-1 and 2 products are encapsulated in free-standing NetCDF 4 product files.

The timeframe for delivery of products is dependent on the specific application:

  • Near Real-Time (NRT) products, delivered to the users in less than 3 hours after acquisition of data by the sensor.
  • Non-Time Critical (NTC) products delivered not later than 1 month after acquisition or from long-term archives. Typically, the product should be available within 24 or 48 hours (but this is not guaranteed).

For further information about SLSTR products see Product Types.

For further information about SLSTR geometric and radiometric resolutions see: Resolution.

For further information about SLSTR data formats see: Data Formats.

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