Primary Objectives
1. Sentinel-3 provides continuity of an ENVISAT-type ocean measurement capability with consistent quality, very high level of availability (>95%), high accuracy and reliability, and in a sustained operational manner including:
- ocean, inland sea and coastal zone colour measurements to at least the level of quality of the MERIS instrument on ENVISAT
- sea surface temperature measurements to at least the level of quality of the AATSR instrument on ENVISAT
- sea surface topography measurements to at least the level of quality of the ENVISAT altimetry system, including an along track SAR capability of CRYOSAT heritage for improved measurement quality in coastal zones and over sea-ice.
2. Sentinel-3 provides continuity of medium resolution ENVISAT-type land measurement capability in Europe to determine land surface temperature and land surface colour.
3. Sentinel-3 provides, in a near real-time operational and timely manner, Level-1B visible, shortwave and thermal infra-red radiances and Level-2 topography products.
4. Sentinel-3 provides, in a near real-time operational and timely manner, a generalised suite of high level primary geophysical products such as:
- global coverage Sea Surface Height (SSH) for ocean and coastal areas
- enhanced resolution SSH products in coastal zones and sea-ice regions
- global coverage Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and sea-Ice Surface Temperature (IST)
- global coverage ocean colour and water quality products
- global coverage ocean surface wind speed measurements
- global coverage significant wave height measurement
- global coverage atmospheric aerosol consistent over land and ocean
- global coverage total column water vapour over land and ocean
- global coverage vegetation products
- global coverage land ice/snow surface temperature products
- ice products (e.g., ice surface topography, extent, concentration).
Secondary Objectives
1. Sentinel-3 provides continuity of medium resolution SPOT satellite vegetation P-like products by providing similar products over land and ocean.
2. Sentinel-3 provides, in an operational and timely manner, a generalised suite of high level secondary geophysical products such as:
- global coverage fire monitoring products (e.g. fire radiated power, burned area, risk maps)
- inland water (lakes and rivers) surface height data.
The Sentinel-3 Mission Requirements Document (MRD) and the Sentinel-3 Mission Requirements Traceability Document (MRTD) describe all mission specific requirements in detail.