The SENTINEL-1 ground segment operations implement a baseline pre-defined mission production scenario.
This scenario foresees the systematic processing and online dissemination of all SENTINEL-1 data acquired in IW, EW and SM modes into Level-0 and Level-1 GRD products.
This is complemented by the systematic processing and online dissemination of:
- Level-1 SLC products for all acquired Wave Mode data (active since October 2016 for Sentinel-1B and since May 2017 for Sentinel-1A)
- Level-1 SLC products for all data acquired in IW mode over specific regional areas, which has evolved during the operations to cover all data acquired in IW mode
- Level-2 Ocean products for all acquired Wave Mode data (active since July 2015 for Sentinel-1A and since October 2016 for Sentinel-1B)
- Level-2 Ocean products for all data acquired in IW and EW mode over specific regional areas
The geographical areas where Sentinel-1A Level-1 SLC products are systematically generated have gradually evolved since the opening of the online data access on 3 October 2014 and have been gradually increased further in the following months aiming at making SLC products available for all data acquired in IW mode.
The evolution of the areas where Sentinel-1A Level-1 SLC products have been systematically generated and made available for online data download since the opening of the data access is summarised in a series of time-tagged maps (download the SLC maps evolution).
Each map is associated to the date from which IW data acquired over the new areas listed in the map have been systematically processed and made available as Level-1 SLC products. Whenever an area was added to the systematic SLC processing scenario, it remained part of this scenario for the future.
A summary of the Sentinel-1 systematic IW production and online data access is provided hereafter:
For Sentinel-1A
- Since 28.07.2015: All IW data over Land and Ice masses are available systematically as SLC
- Since 14.04.2016: All IW data is available systematically as SLC
For Sentinel-1B:
- Since 26.09.2016 (S1B data access opening): All IW data is available systematically as SLC
In addition, all Sentinel-1A data acquired before 28 July 2015 and not originally processed to SLC (i.e. data acquired outside the pre-defined SLC regional areas) has been backwards processed during 2016 and made available for online data access. As a result, Level-1 SLC products are available for all Sentinel-1 data acquired in IW mode.
The geographical areas where Sentinel-1 IW and EW data is systematically processed to Level-2 OCN products and made available for online data access have also evolved over time. This evolution is summarised in a series of time-tagged maps (download IW/EW OCN maps evolution).
100% of the IW and SM data acquired over land masses worldwide are systematically produced to level 1 SLC products and made available.