The file naming convention of SLSTR products (see Sentinel-3 PDGS File Naming Convention for more details) is identified by the sequence of fields described below:
- MMM is the mission ID:
- S3_ = for both SENTINEL-3A and 3B
- SL is the data source/consumer (SL = SLSTR)
- L is the processing level
- "0" for Level-0
- "1" for Level-1
- "2" for Level-2
- underscore "_" if processing level is not applicable
- TTTTTT is the data Type ID
- Level 0 SLSTR data:
- "SLT___" = ISPs.
- Level-1 SLSTR data:
- "RBT___" = TOA Radiances and Brightness Temperature
- "RBT_BW" = browse product derived from "RBT___".
- Level-2 SLSTR data:
- "WCT___" = 2 and 3 channels SST for nadir and along track view
- "WST___" = L2P sea surface temperature
- "LST___" = land surface temp
- "FRP___" = Fire Radiative Power
- "WST_BW" = browse product derived from "WST___"
- "LST_BW" = browse product derived from "LST___".
- Level 0 SLSTR data:
- yyyymmddThhmmss is the sensing start time
- YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS is the sensing stop time
- YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS is the product creation date
- [instance ID] consists of 17 characters, either uppercase letters or digits or underscores "_".
The instance id fields include the following cases, applicable as indicated:
1. Instance ID for the instrument data products disseminated in "stripes":
Duration,"_", cycle number, "_", relative orbit number,"_", 4 underscores "_", i.e.
2. Instance ID for the instrument data products
disseminated in "frames":
Duration, "_", cycle number, "_", relative orbit number, "_", frame along track coordinate, i.e.
3. Instance ID for the instrument data products disseminated in "tiles".
Two sub-cases are applicable:
a) tile covering the whole globe:
b) tile cut according to specific
geographical criteria:
Tile Identifier
4. Instance ID for auxiliary data:
17 underscores "_"
- GGG identifies the centre which generated the file
- [class ID] identifies the class ID for instrument data products with conventional sequence P_XX_NNN where:
- P indicates the platform (O for operational, F for reference, D for development, R for reprocessing)
- XX indicates the timeliness of the processing workflow (NR for NRT, ST for STC, NT for NTC)
- NNN indicates the baseline collection or data usage.
- .SEN3 is the filename extension
Example of filename: