2.72 / 1.49 |
SR_1 06.20 |
- Correction of the CAL2 calibration provided in L1A products
2 December 2020 |
2.69 / 1.45 |
SR_1 06.19 |
- Correction of a calibration issue
16 July 2020 |
2.67 / 1.41 |
SR_1 06.18
SM_2 06.19 |
- Evolutions
- Correction of regular Missing GIM Iono correction orbit over all surfaces including ice sheets
- Tuning of open sea-ice flag
- Tuning of-ice sheet flag
- Ice sheet snow facies classification using land cover ADF input instead of surface type
- Sea-ice concentration computation improvement in coastal regions
- Various bug corrections
09 July 2020 |
2.61 / 1.33
SR_1 06.17
MW_1 06.11
SM_2 06.18
- Evolutions
- Bias update for SARM ocog and ice Sigma0 (SARMSigma0 – 10*log(64) dB) in L2 products
- Improvement of the land ice range estimation
- Addition of filtered dual-frequency ionosphere correction in products. SSHA now use this filtered ionospheric correction.
- Improvement of low SARM SWH estimation
- Improvement of strong Wind Speed estimation
- Re-centering of the mispointing (ksi2)
- DTU MSS updated to DTU2018
- Improvement of WTC path delay close to the coast (MWR side lobe correction)
- Update of the SCCDB for ocean range (+9mm on Sentinel-3B Ku-band range and +8.5mm on Seninel-3B C-band range)
- Corrections of Anomalies
- Correction of the L2 global attribute for pass number
- Correction of the geoid estimation provided in the L2 products (field "geoid_01")
21 January 2020
2.45 / 1.17
SR_1 06.16
MW_1 06.09
- Evolutions
- Improvements in the L1B products regarding CAL2 flags
- Corrections of Anomalies
- Hardcoded scale_factor and add_offset
- Incorrect manifest on Level1 SRAL products
- Acquisition station name is now reported in the netcdf product
- The MW1 CAL processing exits without generating MW_1_MON_AX
- IPF MW1 Initial Window size for NIR averaging used in DNB case
- The field acq_stat_l1b_echo_lrm takes a not permitted value (=2)
2.43 / 1.15
SM_2 06.15
- Evolutions
- Correction of several netcdf variable comments (enhanced measurement)
- Improvement of the L2 sea ice freeboard (freeboard_20_ku)
- Improvement of the interpolated sea ice sea surface height anomaly variable
- Improvement of ALT_RET_ICE_05 algorithm parametrization
- Improvement of Ice concentration parameter close to the coast
- Improvement of the ocog retracked parameters in C-band
- Improvement of the distance to the coast computation
- New alpha_p LUT used in the ocean retracker (SAMOSA DPM2.5)
- Corrections of Anomalies
- Correction of the global attribute "orbit_type" value when NAVATT orbit files are used to compute altitude.
- Modification of the "rad_along_track_avg_flag_01" variable
- Modification of the "noise_power_test_failed" variable
- Separation of sea-ice and ice margin retrackers parameters in the L2 CONAX
- Correction of the ALT_MAN_WAV_01 unit in S3__SR_2_CON_AX.xml
SM2 06.15
- Evolutions
- Inclusion of the SRAL acquisitions measurements in the SRAL L1 products
- L2_CON_AX delivery to correct for sigma0 anomaly over ocean
- Corrections of Anomalies
- 5 millimeter bias between zero-altitude dry tropo correction and measured dry tropo correction
- SRAL L2 NRT products with zero duration
- the field "ssha_20_ku" is always set to Fill Value in LRM mode
- the field "elevation_ice_sheet_20_ku" is set very often to Fill Value in LRM mode
- the field "elevation_ocog_20_ku" is set to Fill Value in LRM mode
SM2 06.14
- Evolutions
- Inclusion of the SRAL acquisitions measurements in the SRAL L1 products
- L2 ground processor upgrade to manage the new MWR calibration timeline
- Corrections of Anomalies
- 5 millimeter bias between zero-altitude dry tropo correction and measured dry tropo correction
- SRAL L2 NRT products with zero duration
- the field "ssha_20_ku" is always set to Fill Value in LRM mode
- the field "elevation_ice_sheet_20_ku" is set very often to Fill Value in LRM mode
- the field "elevation_ocog_20_ku" is set to Fill Value in LRM mode
- SR_1 06.13
- MW_1 06.04
- SM_2 06.12
- Evolutions
- Improvement of product quality over the land ice with the inclusion of a new parameter in the L2 products: elevation field derived from the OCOG retracker that provides a better coverage compared to the elevation derived from the ice sheet retracker that was already provided in the products.
- Corrections of Anomalies
- Wrong values of SSHA over sea ice
- SAR mode slope correction relocates echo position incorrectly
- Numerical Overflow for the Waveform MQE Parameter
- Numerical Overflow for the peakiness parameter
- SR_1 06.12
- MW_1 06.04
- SM_2 06.10
- Evolutions
- Corrections of anomalies
- Duplicated measurements at 10 minutes granule transition in L2 NRT products
- Overflow of the Ku band atmospheric attenuation in the L2 products
- Atmospheric attenuation to default values over edges of MWR calibration
- SAR backscatter coefficient has an error correlated with radial velocity
- Error in the manoeuvre flag
- Error in Inverse Barometer correction
- High level of retracker failure in continental ice sheets
- Sea Ice discrimination identifying too many floes
- Large negative values in elevation over ice sheet
- SR_1 v06.11
- MW_1 v06.03
- SM_2 v06.07
- Corrections of anomalies
- Error in bathymetry parameter
- High level of retracker failure over in-land waters
- Error in the OCOG retracker
- GIM ionospheric correction not calculated for STC products
- SR_1 06.10
- MW_1 06.03
- SM2 06.06
- Correction of anomalies MW_1
- Issue on the computation of the gain during MWR calibration
- Aligment with IPFP: navatt degradation flag (OIP-122)
- Correction of anomalies SR_1
- Reduce number of points in SRAL L1 and SM2 footprint
- Wrong CAL1 Power and Phase Burst Calibrations in STM SRAL L1A Products
- New occurrence of L2 Measurement Processing task failed for PdR S3A_SM2 @PM3
- Quantization of L1b-S Stack Power
- Error in the Burst and Phase Power Calibrations in the SRAL L1b CAL1 Products
- SR1 STC processing failed reporting "Out of Range error: vector::M_range_check"
- S3A_SR1 PdRs in error due to Fatal error during Time correlation process
- S3A_SR1 in error @CGS during CFI orbit interpolation failed
- Orbit file reported in SR1 manifest is wrong
- SRAL L1 (SR1) processor does not have compression enabled
- SR1 Empty measurements
- SR1 reference points processing failure
- SR1 fails on leap second with 'Check the orbit: the number of bursts seen from satellite position is too high (301), while it should not be > 300
- SR1 Pdr in error due to NAVATT input is not covering the processing windows
- A list of minor anomalies in SRAL L1A products
- Correction of anomalies SM_2
- Reduce number of points in SRAL L1 and SM2 footprint
- SAMOSA look-up tables are not referenced in manifest L2
- L2 task table: time initialization file types are not described
- SR_1 06.09
- MW_1 06.02
- SM2 06.05
- Update of SM2 ADF
- Correction of anomalies
- Wrong Values for the index field in the S3A STM L1A products
- Wrong Values for the index field in the S3A STM L1A products
- Wrong 'Contact' attribute in the measurement data file of S3 products
- SR_1 06.07
- MW_1 06.02
- SM2 06.05
- SR_1 06.06
- MW_1 06.02
- SM2 06.05
- SR_1 06.04
- MW_1 06.02
- SM2 06.03
- Update of SM2 ADF
- Correction of anomalies
- SR_1 06.02
- MW_1 06.02
- SM_2 06.02
- Correction of anomalies
- Reduction of L1A product size
21 July 2016 |