The validation activities include the delivery of Cyclic Monitoring Reports summarizing the monitoring of the STM instruments and their performances over the different surfaces
There are three main objectives for calibration and validation (cal/val) activities.
- To provide a comprehensive initial assessment of product validity and quality at the end of commissioning activities.
- To monitor the stability and the quality of the products throughout the operational phase of the mission.
- To continuously improve the quality of the products throughout the operational phase of the mission following the evolving user requirements.
The cal/val plan defines the scope of activities that calibrate the on-board instruments and validate the data products generated operationally and disseminated by the PDGS centres.
All SENTINEL-3 cal/val activities are linked to mission requirements. A product error source analysis is performed to identify the main sources for each product. There are five generic sources that can contribute to total product error.
- Instrument errors refer to those errors associated with instrument hardware and their calibration parameters.
- Satellite-instrument coupling errors refer to errors associated with interactions between the platform and the instrument.
- Satellite errors refer to errors associated with satellite operations.
- Processing errors refer to errors associated with data processing.
- Validation errors refer to errors arising within the validation process.