Title: Distribution of parameters in Portugal's test site reservoirs
Description: Distribution of the concentration of chlorophyll a, turbidity and density of cyanobacteria on Pedrogão (upper right) and Magra (squared) reservoirs (2019). Images were produced with custom scripts on the Sentinel-hub EO Browser from Copernicus Sentinel-2 L2A products for 7 October (row a), 12 October (row b) and 22 October (row c). Monitoring the concentration of chlorophyll a in Pedrogão will provide valuable information on the future state of Magra: once an algae bloom is detected in Pedrogão, an algae bloom is expected in Magra in five days (the satellite revisiting time) or less.
Copyright: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2019)/ processed by M. Bačinić, A. Barta, L. Kačan, A. Triest (TEAM 1 Final Report, March, 2020)