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Copernicus Sentinel-2B over Red Sea oil spill

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Title: Copernicus Sentinel-2B over Red Sea oil spill

Acquired on 17 October 2019, this assembly of four Copernicus Sentinel-2B tiles is processed using the shortwave-infrared/red colour composite 12, 11, 4. Due to the signal being low, a strong stretching has been performed that bring to evidence the "strips" matching of the different CCD arrays and their different gain values.

As with the Copernicus Sentinel-3 OLCI scene, the oil slick is clearly visible in the eastern part of the swath, near the Sun glint zone. One may distinguish very bright patterns that are probable specular reflection of the Sun (also called "Sun glint") in bright areas of the oil slick.

Open the  "2D_left_view" on the VtWeb platform to visualise this scene at all scales. The view also includes the Copernicus Sentinel-1 scenes acquired on 13 and 14 October in the background to show the extension of the slick along the time.

Open the "2D_right_view" on the VtWeb platform to focus the view over the northern part of the oil slick located within the rectangle in the second image.

Copyright: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2019)/processed by VisioTerra