We are pleased to announce that Sentinel-2A extended campaign will begin on March 13, 2025, for a period of one year.
As previously announced in the news release “Sentinel-2A: Exceptional temporary extension campaign starting in March 2025”, this exceptional campaign will temporarily complement the nominal constellation operations with Sentinel-2B and Sentinel-2C, enhancing the capabilities of the Sentinel-2 Mission, providing greater benefits to both operational and scientific user communities
The extended Sentinel-2A scenario is designed to enhance the global revisit frequency of the Sentinel-2 constellation while optimizing the use of critical satellite resources. Notably, it features a consistent observation scenario over Europe for all three Sentinel-2 units and optimises the revisit frequency over the tropical regions of Africa and South America, frequently impacted by high cloud cover.
The attached image illustrates the number of acquisitions by the Sentinel-2 constellation over a 20-day period, comparing the baseline (S2B + S2C) and the extended (S2B + S2C + S2A) scenarios.
Detailed planning information is available here for each unit.
We are pleased to announce that Sentinel-2A extended campaign will begin on March 13, 2025, for a period of one year.
As previously announced in the news release “Sentinel-2A: Exceptional temporary extension campaign starting in March 2025”, this exceptional campaign will temporarily complement the nominal constellation operations with Sentinel-2B and Sentinel-2C, enhancing the capabilities of the Sentinel-2 Mission, providing greater benefits to both operational and scientific user communities
The extended Sentinel-2A scenario is designed to enhance the global revisit frequency of the Sentinel-2 constellation while optimizing the use of critical satellite resources. Notably, it features a consistent observation scenario over Europe for all three Sentinel-2 units and optimises the revisit frequency over the tropical regions of Africa and South America, frequently impacted by high cloud cover.
The attached image illustrates the number of acquisitions by the Sentinel-2 constellation over a 20-day period, comparing the baseline (S2B + S2C) and the extended (S2B + S2C + S2A) scenarios.
Detailed planning information is available here for each unit.