Acronym | Explanation | |
BOA | Bottom Of Atmosphere | |
Cal / Val | Calibration / Validation | |
CC | Coordinating Centre | |
CEOS | Committee on Earth Observation Satellites | |
CMOS | Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor | |
CSM | Calibration and Shutter Mechanism | |
DEM | Digital Elevation Model | |
ECMWF | European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts | |
ESA | European Space Agency | |
ESL | Expert Support Laboratories | |
FOS | Flight Operation Segment | |
FT | Fourier Transform | |
GCP | Ground Control Point | |
GIPP | Ground Image Processing Parameter | |
GML | Geography Mark-up Language | |
GPP | Ground Prototype Processor | |
GRI | Global Reference Image | |
GSD | Ground Sampling Distance | |
IAS | Image Algorithmic Software | |
IQP | Image Quality Processor | |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group | |
Mbit/s | Megabit per second | |
MCT | Mercury Cadmium Telluride | |
MPC | Mission Performance Centre | |
MSI | Multi Spectral Instrument | |
MSLP | Mean Sea Level Pressure | |
MTF | Modulation Transfer Function | |
NRT | Near Real Time | |
NUC | Non Uniformity Coefficient | |
OBCD | On-Board Configuration Data | |
OGCD | On Ground Configuration Data | |
OLQC | OnLine Quality Control | |
PDD | Products Document Definition | |
PDGS | Payload Data Ground Segment | |
PDI | Product Data Item | |
QA4EO | Quality Assurance Framework for Earth Observation | |
ROI | Region Of Interest | |
SDR | Surface Directional Reflectance | |
SPOT | Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre | |
SR | Surface Reflectance | |
SRTM | Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission | |
SWIR | Short Wave Infrared | |
TCO3 | Total Column Ozone | |
TCWV | Total Column Water Vapour | |
TMA | Three-Mirror Anastigmat | |
TOA | Top Of Atmosphere | |
UTM | Universal Transverse Mercator | |
VNIR | Visible and Near Infrared | |
WICOM | Wavelets Image Compression Module | |
WGS84 | World Geodetic System 1984 | |
XML | Extensible Mark-up Language |