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Title: Sea level anomaly
This video shows the sea level anomaly (cm) measured by the Copernicus Sentinel-3A satellite during February 2017.
Featured on the left in the first 30 seconds is sea level anomaly (cm) along the satellite swath.
On the right, the same thing is featured, but presented differently: it displays a northward moving section (in the middle of the swath) showing sea level anomaly (cm) evolving as the satellite goes northward. The section crosses the Gulf Stream and shows larger sea level anomaly amplitudes when crossing such a large oceanic current.
After the first 30 seconds, the video accelerates and shows only sea level anomaly (cm) along the satellite swath. Throughout the video, the colours along the satellite swath indicate intensity of sea level anomaly.
Copyright: DUACS products (CLS/CNES/EUMETSAT)