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Copernicus Sentinel-1 catches the iceberg's voyage

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Iceberg voyage

Title: Copernicus Sentinel-1 catches the iceberg's voyage

Description: Since the iceberg left Saunders Island on 30 April, it has drifted rather fast (about 0.35 knots) towards NNE. Then it slowed down and reached its northernmost position close to latitude 57° S, about 35 nm east of Candlemas Island. Surprisingly, it then followed a turn towards SE with a mean drift speed of about 0.4 knots.

From 18 to 22 May, the drift direction turned to SSE and the mean speed increased to about 0.9 knots. In a more southward drift with a mean speed of 0.6 knots on 31 May, the southernmost position was reached at 60°42’ S/24° W, which was about 70 nm off the marginal ice zone. From that point, the drift - at nearly the same speed - turned abruptly by nearly 120 degrees towards ENE direction.

Finally, since 6 June the latest SAR images of Copernicus Sentinel-1 show first a northward drift. This changed on 8 June again into an eastward direction until 11 June.

Copyright: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2021)/ processed by K. Strübing