Due to an anomaly at the Svalbard ground station on 11 August 2020, the processing of a number of Copernicus Sentinel-2B acquisitions downlinked over the station could not be performed in real-time and will be recovered offline.
Due to an anomaly at the Svalbard ground station on 11 August 2020, the processing of a number of Copernicus Sentinel-2B acquisitions downlinked over the station could not be performed in real-time and will be recovered offline.
The affected L1C and L2A products with sensing time between 08:54:49.979 UTC on 11 August and 08:02:28.668 on 12 August (sensing orbits 17924 to 17936) will be recovered in the coming days. Further news will be provided once the recovery will be completed.
We apologise for the inconvenience this might cause to your activities.