
Sentinel-3 SLSTR Level-1B product notice updated

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Sentinel-3 SLSTR Level-1B product notice updated

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An updated version of the Level-1B product notice for Sentinel-3 SLSTR has been released. The new version contains an update to better explain a limitation with Bayesian/probabilistic cloud screening.

An updated version of the Level-1B product notice for Sentinel-3 SLSTR has been released.

The new version contains an update to better explain a limitation with Bayesian/probabilistic cloud screening.

Differences in the format of auxiliary ECMWF forecast and analysis sea_surface_temperature variable in NRT and NTC products, combined with the small geographical misalignment of meteorological variables, is degrading both the Bayesian and probabilistic cloud mask mainly for NRT products.

Aligning NRT to NTC products is under investigation as well as small geographical misalignment of meteorological variables.

More information about the product and the identified limitations are available in the product notice.