Following the successful launch of Sentinel-1C in December 2025, and ahead of the completion of the satellite commissioning activities expected in the first weeks of May 2025, ESA is pleased to announce that initial access to Sentinel-1 data is available on the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem starting 26th March, while satellite commissioning activities continue as planned.
Following the successful launch of Sentinel-1C in December 2025, and ahead of the completion of the satellite commissioning activities expected in the first weeks of May 2025, ESA is pleased to announce that initial access to Sentinel-1 data is available on the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem starting 26th March, while satellite commissioning activities continue as planned.
As from 26th March, the Sentinel-1C observation scenario is close to the nominal one. Planning information will be available following the standard Sentinel-1 approach through KML files regularly updated (Sentinel-1 Acquisition Segments - Sentinel Online).
Operational priority will, however, remain with the satellite commissioning activities until their completion in May 2025. As a result, adjustments to the plan or temporary interruptions in data access may occur.
While data quality is already considered fit for purpose for most applications, including InSAR, users are notified that data calibration and validation remain preliminary as the satellite commissioning activities are still ongoing. Additional information on data performance is available here.
Users are informed that nominal data performance and the full observation scenario are expected to be available upon completion of the satellite commissioning activities. Additional updates will follow in the coming weeks.