
New Copernicus Sentinel-3 handbooks

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New Copernicus Sentinel-3 handbooks

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We are pleased to announce the publication of three handbooks related to Sentinel-3 OLCI, SLSTR and Synergy land products.

We are pleased to announce the publication of three handbooks related to Sentinel-3 OLCI, SLSTR and Synergy land products. These handbooks aim at giving key information to users and address the following topics:

  • Principle of acquisition for the three instruments
  • Description of the algorithms and the processing levels
  • Description of the products and an overview of the data quality

The handbooks also include a Helpdesk section providing answers to most common questions, useful links about the Sentinel-3 mission and instruments, and information on how to get additional support.

These three handbooks are available in the User Guides: