We are pleased to publish the eighth Copernicus Sentinel Data Access Annual Report.
This Report analyses the uptake of Copernicus Sentinel data and the performance of the Sentinel Data Access System during the period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.
By the end of the reporting period, the Sentinel Data Access System was supporting over 638,000 registered users, it was publishing over 32,000 data packages per day, and users were downloading on average 234 TiB per day. At 31 December 2022, almost 776 million data packages had been downloaded by users since the start of data access operations, consisting of a total data volume of 405 PiB (78.6 PiB of which was downloaded during 2022 alone).
The Report provides the detailed statistics behind these big numbers, as well as examining the demographics of users, the status of agreements with collaborative and international partners, the challenges and solutions found by the Data Access Operations team in publishing and disseminating such huge volumes of data, and the outlook for the future.
The 2022 Copernicus Sentinel Data Access Annual Report is available here .