
Copernicus Sentinel-3A unavailability notice

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Copernicus Sentinel-3A unavailability notice

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Due to Copernicus Sentinel-3A orbit manoeuvres, SLSTR and OLCI products degradation is expected for the following sensing times:

- from 07/01/2022T00:04:18 to 07/01/2022T00:17:36

- from 07/01/2022T02:06:48 to 07/01/2022T02:17:25

Due to Copernicus Sentinel-3A orbit manoeuvres, SLSTR and OLCI products degradation is expected for the following sensing times:

- from 07/01/2022T00:04:18 to 07/01/2022T00:17:36

- from 07/01/2022T02:06:48 to 07/01/2022T02:17:25