
Copernicus Sentinel-3A data unavailability on 27 May 2019

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Copernicus Sentinel-3A data unavailability on 27 May 2019

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Due to an issue (now solved) occurring at data provider level on 27 May 2019, all Near Real Time Copernicus Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B data starting from sensing time 2019-05-27T22:30:00 UTC until 2019-05-28T09:00 UT will be delayed.
Due to an issue (now solved) occurring at data provider level on 27 May 2019, all Near Real Time Copernicus Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B data starting from sensing time 2019-05-27T22:30:00 UTC until 2019-05-28T09:00 UTC will be delayed.