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BEAM is an open-source toolbox and development platform for viewing, analysing and processing of remote sensing raster data. Originally developed to facilitate the utilisation of image data from ENVISAT's optical instruments, BEAM now supports a growing number of other raster data formats such as GEOTIFF and netCDF as well as data formats of other EO sensors such as MODIS, AVHRR, AVNIR, PRISM and CHRIS/PROBA. Various data and algorithms are supported by dedicated extension plug-ins.

BEAM includes Reader API for SENTINEL products:

  • SENTINEL-2 MSI Level-1B, Level-1C, Level-2A products
  • SENTINEL-3 SLSTR Level-1B and Level-2 products
  • SENTINEL-3 OLCI Level-1B and Level-2 products
  • SENTINEL-3 SYN Level-1C, Level-2, VGT P and S products

Note: BEAM tools to support SENTINEL data will be released in 2014

The API can be used to open and use the data in a C-program.


The BEAM Earth Observation Toolbox and Development Platform, is a collection of executable tools and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) which have been developed to facilitate the utilisation, viewing and processing of a variety of remotely sensed data. The purpose of the BEAM is not to duplicate existing commercial packages, but to complement them with functions dedicated to the handling of data products of earth observing satellites.

The main components of the BEAM are:

  • VISAT, an intuitive desktop application to be used for visualisation, analysing and processing of remote sensing raster data
  • a set of scientific tools running either from the command line or invoked by VISAT, also entirely written in Java
  • a rich Java API for the development of new remote sensing applications and BEAM extension plug-ins.

BEAM is programmed in pure Java™ to allow a maximum portability. The BEAM software has been successfully tested under MS Windows™ XP®, Windows™ Vista, Windows™ 7 and also Mac OS X and as well as under Linux and Solaris® operating systems.

BEAM downloads, user manual and installation procedures are available at the BEAM Project website.

Figure 1: VISAT interface is BEAM's visualisation, analysing and processing application (image courtesy of Brockmann Consult)

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