The Copernicus Precise Orbit Determination (CPOD) Service is pleased to announce the publication of a new orbit product for the Copernicus Sentinel-3A and -B and Sentinel-6A satellites.
The Copernicus Precise Orbit Determination (CPOD) Service is pleased to announce the publication of a new orbit product for the Copernicus Sentinel-3A and -B and Sentinel-6A satellites. This new orbit product comes from the combination of the most precise orbit solutions computed by each centre of the CPOD Quality Working Group (QWG), which brings together most of the POD experts around the globe: AIUB, CLS/GRGS, CNES, DGFI-TUM, DLR, ESOC, EUMETSAT, GFZ, GMV, JPL, NASA/GSFC, POSITIM, TU Delft, TU Graz, and TU Munich.
The combined solution (labelled as AUX_COMB__) is obtained from a weighted mean of all solutions on a daily basis (see more information in It is generated in SP3d format, with one-day coverage and it is made available through the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem (CDSE), together with the rest of the products that the CPOD Service offers to the user community (i.e., near-real time, short-time critical and non-time critical orbit products, attitude products, and observation RINEX files for Sentinel-1, -2, -3 and -6 missions). The combined solution is considered the most accurate orbit solution available within the CPOD QWG and is routinely taken as the reference to perform the quality control of all POD operational products. More information about the format of the combined orbit solution may be found in the File Format Specification document, available in the SentiWiki webpage (
For the time being, only Sentinel-3A, -3B and -6A data starting on 2023 is published, expressed in ITRF20. Publication of Sentinel-1 and -2 COMB solutions is under evaluation, as is the publication of the backlog since beginning of mission (pending a full reprocessing by different CPOD QWG centres). The COMB will be made available in batches of four months approximately, delivered two months after sensing. This coincides with the generation of the Regular Service Review (RSR) reports that the CPOD Service performs every four months, where the quality of the service is assessed. RSR reports are also published in the SentiWiki (