
Success Stories

Copernicus Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 satellites

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Title: Copernicus Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 satellites

Description: Copernicus Sentinel-1 (left), the first in the family of Copernicus satellites, is used to care for many aspects of the environment, from detecting and tracking oil spills and mapping sea ice to monitoring movement in land surfaces and mapping changes in the way land is used. Thanks to the multi-spectral instrument, Copernicus Sentinel-2 (upper-right) provides a significant contribution to Copernicus themes such as climate change and land monitoring. Carrying a precision radar altimeter, an advanced infrared radiometer and a wide-swath ocean and land imaging spectrometer, Copernicus Sentinel-3 (lower-right) supplies a wealth of data, delivering critical data on the height and temperature of the sea surface, it supports ocean forecasting for maritime safety

Copyright: ESA