SL_1: 06.20
- Minor update to account for S3C and S3D
S3A: 12/12/2022 S3B: 10/01/2023
SL_2_LST 06.21
SL_2_FRP 01.08
23-Aug-2022 for S3A
5-Sep-2022 for S3B
SL_2_FRP 01.07
- Processing baseline number in the manifest and products
- Degradation flag from L1 included
- Evolutions of the processor in v2.0 (see product notice)
SL_1 06.19
SL_2_LST: 06.20
- Corrections/changes in L1:
- Errors in Met field descriptors corrected
- False flagging of saturation in S8 for SLSTR-A
- Wrong computation of MissingElements associated with F1
- Problem in Met_tx sea surface temperature fill value
- Inclusion of a Switch around Bayesian and Probabilistic cloud module in SLSTR
- Level 1: processing baseline number in the manifest and products
- Corrections/changes in L2:
- replacing SLSTR L2 LST summary cloud by probabilistic cloud mask
- Inclusion of the SLSTR Probabilistic Cloud module
9-Feb-2022 |
2.77 / 1.55 |
SL_1 06.17 |
- SL_2_LST
- Update of the snow masking module
- Full Uncertainties in SLSTR LST product
14-June-2021 |
2.75 / 1.53 |
SL_1 06.18 |
- Handling of maneuvers
- Corrections of bugs
18-May-2021 |
2.73 / 1.50 |
SL_1 06.17 |
- Update the SLSTR L1 probabilistic cloud mask ADF
12-Nov-2020 |
2.70 / 1.46 |
SL_2_FRP 01.04 |
- New SLSTR FRP delivered in NTC timeliness
19-Aug-2020 |
1.40-B |
SL_1 v06.17 |
- This version corrects the upper BT limit for the SLSTR-B S7 oblique view channel
09-Jun-2020 |
2.61 / 1.33
SL_2 v06.16
- Disable SLSTR c-stripe images
- SLSTR L1/L2 Products Baseline Collection (BC) set to 004
- Correction of incorrect IPF implementation of probabilistic cloud mask
2.59 / 1.31
SL_1 v06.17
- Revised ortho-regridding of all channels and revised geo-referencing of SLSTR F1 fire channel
- Improved geometric calibration for the oblique view
- Improved S7 BT upper limit, temporal
- Interpolation of ECMWF meteorological fields
- Improved quality checks during decontamination and black body crossover tests
- Removal of the c stripe (time domain integrated) from product, improved flags, and update of several NetCDF variable attributes.
- Baseline collection (parameter within the filename) has been incremented from 003 to 004 due to the implementation of the new regridding and the change in the product format.
2.47 / 1.19
SL_1 v06.16
SL_2 v06.14
- S3A SL_2 update
- The LST retrieval algorithm has been generated with a new set of retrieval coefficients which utilises an enhanced approach to simulating the across track variation in LST performance when generating the coefficients.
- Implementation of the new retrieval coefficients has improved the performance of the S3A LST product with respect to intercomparison against operational LSA SAF SEVIRI LST
- S3B SL_2 update
- The LST retrieval algorithm has been generated with a set of retrieval coefficients which utilises an enhanced approach to simulating the across track variation in LST performance when generating the coefficients.
- Implementation of the retrieval coefficients has improved the comparability between S3A and S3B LST during the Tandem Phase
SL_1 v06.16
SL_2 v06.14
- SL_1 update
- The baseline collection for SLSTR chain will be changed from 002 to 003
- Deactivation of the SWIR TDI switches and new skt parameter
- Disable SLSTR c-stripe images
- Use of SST/skin temperature in Probabilistic and Bayesian Cloud detection
- Bug corrections
- SL_2 update
- IPF SL2 deactivate the TDI reading when not present in SL1 input
- Bug corrections
SL_1 v06.15
SL_2 v06.12
- Evolution of cloud algorithm, SPR fixes, New SCCDB (geometric calibration of oblique view)
- Correction of the 1° discrepancy in the sun zenith angle computed in SL_1 compared to OL_1
- Correction of strip missing in sunglint flag
- Correction of fill values not correctly set in SL1 meteo annotations
- Correction of data flagged as "no_parameters" which should not be included in L1 image
- Correction of incorrect Specific Humidity profiles and pressure levels in met fields
- Correction of large scale histogram test problems
- Insertion of radiometric uncertainties for SLSTR channels S1-S6 for channel ADFs
Before 04-Apr-2018