The KML files available on this page provide detailed information about the planned Sentinel-1 acquisitions.
See the archive for a full list of older KML files, dating back to April 2015.
KML files available:
- 20 December - 12 January 2025
- 19 December - 08 January 2025
- 17 December - 06 January 2025
- 13 December - 02 January 2025
- 12 December - 01 January 2025
- 10 December - 30 December 2024
- 06 December - 24 December 2024
- 05 December - 25 December 2024
- 04 December - 24 December 2024
- 03 December - 23 December 2024
Frequency and coverage of KML files
- Each KML file usually covers a period of 20 days. The start and stop time of the planning information contained in the KML is defined in the KML file name.
- Updated KML files will be provided in case of changes to the planning defined by a previously published KML file. In some cases, particularly when last minute changes are needed to accommodate requests from the Copernicus Emergency Management Service, the latest KML file may be shorter than a previous one, covering only a few days. An updated KML file of standard duration will usually be published one or two days later.
- New KML files will be regularly provided to cover the next mission cycle/s
Information provided by the KML files
- The KML file display the footprint of the planned data takes on a map using the following convention:
- Planned data takes in IW mode, highlighted in red
- Planned data takes in EW mode, highlighted in green
- Planned data takes in SM mode, highlighted in black
- When clicking on each single data take, the following details for the data take are highlighted:
Parameter | Description | Example |
Satellite ID | Satellite identified (always Sentinel-1A) | S1A |
DatatakeId | Corresponds to a unique product identifier (Hexadecimal value). This identifier is also reported in the filename of any product generated from this acquisition. | 6AD4 |
Mode | Instrument acquisition mode (IW, EW, SM) | IW |
Swath | Instrument swath (from 1 to 6 for SM, not applicable for IW and EW) | N/A |
Polarisation | Instrument polarisation for the acquired data take. Possible values are: - DV: VV-VH - DH: HH-HV - SV: VV - SH: HH |
DV |
ObservationTimeStart | UTC start date and time of the planned data take | 2015-03-31T19:16:46 |
ObservationTimeStop | UTC stop date and time of the planned data take | 2015-03-31T19:18:19 |
ObservationDuration | Duration of the planned data take in seconds | 94 |
OrbitAbsolute | Absolute orbit number at the start time of the data take | 5280 |
OrbitRelative | Relative orbit number at the start time of the data take (track number) | 133 |
An overview of the information displayed by the KML files is provided below: