Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD)

Sentinel-3 SLSTR Technical Guide - Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD)

The SLSTR Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) is a global product provided by the SL_2_AOD package in one measurement data file file.

The products will be generated in NRT only and will include all retrieved and derived aerosol parameters associated with the SLSTR solar channels, except 1375 nm dedicated to cloud detection.

It is based upon the acquisition grid of SLSTR nadir images, but the SLSTR L1b grid is then binned to super-pixels (9x9 pixels) with a resolution of 4.5km. The position and time of the centre pixel of each super-pixel, in addition to the position of the corner pixel are included in this measurement file.

Note1: the product will be available to the users during the course of 2018.

Note2: an AOD product will be generated in NTC timeliness only by the Level-2 synergy processor, exploiting the synergy between OLCI and SLSTR.

Descriptive Name Aerosol Optical Depth
Variable Name AOD
Product Level 2
Description Retrieved and derived aerosol parameters associated with the SLSTR solar channels.
Product Parameters
Coverage Global (over land and water)
Timeliness and Packaging
NRT: 3 min frame
Units --
Format 16-byte unsigned integer
Appended Data

Aerosol optical thickness and related uncertainty at the selected SLSTR channels, fine-mode aerosol optical depth at 550 nm, Aerosol Angstrom exponent between 550 and 865 nm, Dust aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm, Aerosol absorption optical thickness at 550 nm

Aerosol single scattering albedo at the selected SLSTR channels, Surface directional reflectance (BRF) at the selected SLSTR channels, Associated time and geographical coordinates … plus other parameter provided at the corners of the super-pixel

Additional Information
Input Bands channels S1, S2, S3, S5, S6 for AOD calculation
Ancillary and Auxiliary Data No ADS


Global aerosol retrieval quality flags
Flag mask Flag meaning Description
1 land Super pixel is ocean (0) or land (1)
2 oblq_missing oblique view not present
4 cloudy_n Nadir retrieval rejected due to cloud cover (cloud fraction of majority surface type exceeds 50 %)
8 cloudy_o Oblique retrieval rejected due to cloud cover (cloud fraction of majority surface type exceeds 50 %)
16 dual_view single (0) / dual (1) view retrieval
32 glint_n glint detected nadir
64 glint_o glint detected oblique
128 sdr_neg at least one surface reflectance (SDR) value negative
256 aod_zero retrieval failed to AOD zero (<5e3)
512 fm_clim fine mode retrieval failed, value taken from climatology
1024 unc_failed uncertainty estimate failed
2048, …, 32768 spare

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