The following questions related to the Copernicus POD Service have been posed by users from the scientific community or are deemed of interest for potential users. The most common ones, together with their answers, are included here below:

  • Where can the POD orbital products and auxiliary data be accessed?
    For the time being the POD products of SENTINEL-2 are not available for public use. There are plans to make all POD products available via a website in the near future. Any specific request for access is encouraged to be directed to the following email address EOSupport@copernicus.esa.int stating your motivation and potential use for the POD products.
  • Are the SENTINEL RINEX available for the scientific community?
    Yes, the GNSS L1 RINEX files decoded from the GPS L0 data are available in the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem since the beginning of the mission. These files are updated daily with a latency of one week and they cover one day of timespan.

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