

The official POD products in NRT are computed using 24 hours of data, whereas NTC products are computed using 32 hours of data. This information and other modelling parameters are included in the Product Handbook. They are computed using P1/P2 code and L1/L2 phase ionosphere-free combinations. The number of used and rejected observations for each timeliness are shown hereafter:

Figure 2-12: Number of used and rejected observations in Sentinel-1 NRT and NTC processing

The RMS of residuals obtained from the processing of pseudorange and carrier phase after applying an ANTEX correction [] to the GPS antenna are shown below for all generated products:

Figure 2-13: RMS of GNSS pseudorange residuals in Sentinel-1 NRT and NTC processing

Figure 2-14: RMS of GNSS carrier phase residuals in Sentinel-1 NRT and NTC processing

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