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Sentinel-3 Land Altimetry Thematic Products (Baseline Collection 005) replaces present product types

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The Copernicus Sentinel-3 Altimetry Land Thematic Products (TP) with Baseline Collection 005 (BC005) are currently under reprocessing to generate improved and tailored level-2 data for both Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B missions. The release of TP reprocessed data products is planned in few months from now, and all the relevant information is available from a dedicated web page.

The release of the Sentinel-3 Altimetry Land Thematic Products BC005 will cover the full mission data set from the beginning of the mission, substituting the current Sentinel-3 STM Land level-2 products with BC004.

The Copernicus Sentinel-3 Altimetry Land Thematic Products (TP) with Baseline Collection 005 (BC005) are currently under reprocessing to generate improved and tailored level-2 data for both Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B missions. The release of TP reprocessed data products is planned in few months from now, and all the relevant information is available from a dedicated web page.

The release of the Sentinel-3 Altimetry Land Thematic Products BC005 will cover the full mission data set from the beginning of the mission, substituting the current Sentinel-3 STM Land level-2 products with BC004.

The schema in Figure 1 represents the plan for the BC005 Transfer To Operation (TTO). Currently, BC004 is in operation (light blue arrow) and the Thematic Product BC005 pilot production (light yellow) runs in parallel since August 2022. The full mission reprocessing with BC005 in currently on-going (orange arrows). Once the reprocessed dataset is available the BC005 will be TTO, and the BC004 production will be stopped.

The BC005 TTO is planned by Sep-Oct 2023.

Figure 1: Schema of TTO for BC005

The BC005 represents an improvement of the performance of the current BC004 Sentinel-3 STM Land level-2 products and addresses the specific needs of the user communities for three continental surfaces, which are inland waters, sea ice, and land ice. Considering the major evolutions and the improvements introduced with BC005, the production of BC004 Sentinel-3 STM Land data products will be stopped by Sep-Oct 2023. 

Table 1 reports an overview of the leve-1 and level-2 Sentinel-3 STM Altimetry data production specifying which dataset will be still produced after the BC005 TTO, while the other datasets will be available only on demand after the BC005 TTO. 

Table 1: S3 STM Land data production overview
Product Type Product Identification Name Baseline Collection
BC004 BC005
Level 1A SR_1_SRA__A
Level 1B SR_1_SRA___  
Level 1BS SR_1_SRA_BS  
Level 2 SR_2_LAN___  
Level 2 SR_2_LAN_HY  
Level 2 SR_2_LAN_LI  
Level 2 SR_2_LAN_SI  


Data Access Information

The Sentinel-3 Altimetry Land data products are acc essible at the following sources:

Relevant Resources

More information on the S3 Land Altimetry products is available at the following resources:

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