
Sentinel-3A OLCI data on the Open Access Hub

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Sentinel-3A OLCI data has been re-processed to Processing Baseline 2.23 to provide a homogeneous time series from the start of the Sentinel-3 mission and also to align it with the forthcoming Sentinel-3B OLCI products.

Sentinel-3A OLCI data has been re-processed to Processing Baseline 2.23 to provide a homogeneous time series from the start of the Sentinel-3 mission and also to align it with the forthcoming Sentinel-3B OLCI products.

Re-processed products cover L1 and Land L2 in both Full and Reduced Resolution since 25 April 2016 to 30 November 2017. These products are identified by filenames ending with '*_LR2_R_NT_002'

Where R represents re-processed products at LR2 (Land Reprocessing Centre #2) belonging to product Collection Baseline '002' in constrast to the old products which normally ended with '*_LN1_O_NT_001'.

The publication of the OLCI data on the Pre-operations Hub will also be gradually moved to the Open Access Hub (including API Hub).

The transition will start on 27 September 2018 at 13:00 UTC. All new OLCI data will be published on the OpenHub in parallel with the S3 PreOps hub, and starting from this date the past data will be transitioned to the OpenHub.

Once the transition is complete the publication of new OLCI data on the S3 PreOps Hub will cease, and old data will be removed.

The OLCI Near Real Time data will be published on the Open Hub with a rolling window of 1 month.

The complete set of OLCI Non Time Critical data will be published on the Open Hub, from the beginning of the mission (earliest date 25 May 2016).

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