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From green to brown in a month

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The main proof of long hot and dry spell Europe has been enduring over the last few weeks has been obtained from the Copernicus Sentinel-3 images acquired on 28 June and 25 July 2018.

As this year's heatwave continues, the Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission reveals once again how the colour of our vegetation has changed in just one month. These two images cover the same area: part of Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, part of Germany and part of France, but the difference between them couldn't be more striking. The first, captured on 28 June 2018, is predominantly green, depicting healthy vegetation. The second, captured on 25 July 2018, however, is mainly brown, showing just how much the vegetation has changed owing to the long hot dry spell Europe has been enduring over the last weeks.

These two images were captured by Sentinel-3's ocean and land colour instrument. See also similar captures over Germany, Denmark and Sweden: European drought.

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