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Forthcoming format evolution and new processing baseline for Sentinel-2 Level-1C products

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Users are informed that Sentinel-2 Level-1C products will start being distributed with a slightly updated format as of 23 October 2017.

Users are informed that Sentinel-2 Level-1C products will start being distributed with a slightly updated format as of 23 October 2017.

This small evolution features the following main changes:

  • An update of the product-level Metadata file in the structure holding the quality control report summary references;
  • An update of the 'Product Discriminator' trailer of the product name and filename.

Detailed information including highlights on the changes implemented is provided in the updated Sentinel-2 Products Specification Document (PSD version 14.3). Corresponding XSD schemas are also provided with the PSD v. 14.3 document as attachment.

Furthermore, a new L1C sample product is available for download.

As of the 23 October, the routine production featuring this evolution will tag every product with the new processing baseline number 02.06 reported in the product filename and metadata.

The SNAP Software and Sen2Cor processor are being aligned in parallel to the new format and will be made available by mid-October. Backward compatibility with previous formats will be maintained.

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