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Copernicus "Call for Interest" survey

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If you are, or are interested in becoming a user of Copernicus data or service information, the European Commission sincerely would appreciate your time and effort in completing a "call for interest" survey.

Copernicus is a user driven programme, which means that the users are at the centre of the programme's design and implementation, and that Copernicus must evolve continuously to make sure that it addresses its users' needs.

If you are, or are interested in becoming a user of Copernicus data or service information, the European Commission sincerely would appreciate your time and effort in completing a "call for interest" survey. The results will be used to identify existing users and potential users who are willing to participate in one way or another to the collection and analysis of Copernicus user needs.

This call for interest survey and the gathering of user needs will be the first building block of a process aimed at defining the high level requirements for the next generation of the Copernicus Space Component. It is thus a unique opportunity to contribute to the creation of a "fil rouge" between this Space Component and the users.

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